
The African Network of SRHR Alliances (ANSA ) The African Network of SRHR Alliances (ANSA) is a pan-African network and convening of youth-led and youth serving CSOs that work to jointly advance the cause for realization and enjoyment of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) by All young people in their diversity in Africa.

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Ghana Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance for Young People - GH Alliance


Ghana Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance for Young People - GH Alliance, Accra, Ghana.


The SRHR Alliance aims at convening, coordinating, and catalysing the work of actors focused on improving the sexual reproductive health of young people.


A healthy and empowered young people is the vision of Ghana SRHR Alliance for young people. It is the priority of the Alliance to be a thriving, vibrant and self-sustaining Alliance, and secretariat, to be a national convener of young people’s Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) issues and to be an Anglophone West Africa regional center of excellence for young people’s SRH issues

Description of the Organization

The Ghana Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance for Young People, known as GH Alliance, The GH Alliance is the only SRHR Alliance in Ghana, serving as reference point for young people’s SRHR needs in Ghana. It is an Alliance of six (6) Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working together to promote the sexual and reproductive health and rights of all young people between the ages of ten and twenty-four (10-24) years in Ghana. Ghana SRHR Alliance was formed in 2013 following the opportunity to implement the Access, Services and Knowledge (ASK) program.



The GH Alliance as it is known now, has a high functional perspective and has adequately involved young people in the promotion and championing of their SRHR. Also, the opportunity of effectively collaborating with other Civil Society Organizations (CSO), Government agencies and development partners is being realized, thereby avoiding the situation in many SRHR organizations working in silos with no opportunities to learn from one another and champion a unified and strong advocacy voice.

Key Focus Areas

Priority for all the sustainable development goals (SDG’s), with a primary focus on Goals 1, 3,& 5.

Our work focuses mainly on Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR), Policy and National level advocacy, Women Empowerment and Livelihood, Maternal health and Behaviour Change, Education.

member organizations

  1. Theatre for Social Change – TfSC
  2. Savana Signatures – SavSign
  3. Curious Minds Ghana – CM
  4. Norsaac
  5. Presbyterian Health Innovation Projects – PHIP
  6. Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana – PPAG

Projects related to Youth SRHR



Project/ Initiative Name



Access, Services and Knowledge (ASK) Programme



Get Up Speak Out (GUSO)




Equal Rights and Opportunities for Girls and Women (EROP) Programme



Power to       Youth (PtY) Programme



I Choose Project